Fire Alarm Systems
Fire Alarm Systems
Fire Trade Supplies are one of the UK’s leading fire alarm systems suppliers. Our fire alarm product range includes fire alarms from leading brands including Apollo, Gent, Ziton, Vesda, Morley, Advanced, Eaton, Kentec, Hochiki, KAC, Fulleon and many more.
Our fire alarm systems range includes fire alarm panels, smoke detectors, heat detectors, fire alarm bells and sounders, manual call points and a full range of ancillary equipment.
The fire alarm systems range includes conventional fire alarm systems, analogue addressable fire alarm systems, two wire fire alarm systems, wireless fire alarm systems as well as residential type smoke detectors. Fire Trade Supplies also offer an extensive range of emergency lighting products, disabled refuge systems, call systems, batteries and accessories.
Conventional Fire Alarm Systems
Conventional fire alarm systems require the fire alarm input devices, such as smoke detectors, heat detectors and manual call points to be wired on separate circuits to the output devices such as bells beacons and electronic sounders.
With a conventional fire alarm system it is not possible to identify the exact location of a fire from the information displayed on the fire alarm control panel. Instead, a building is split into zones which identify the area within a building where the input devices are located. Each zone requires a separate fire detection circuit to be wired from the control panel to the area of the building where the input devices are located.
Addressable Fire Alarm Systems
Each fire alarm device on an addressable fire alarm system has its own unique address. When a fire alarm input device is triggered, such as a smoke detector or manual call point, the fire alarm control panel identifies the specific address of the device along with a description showing its location.
Addressable fire alarm systems are wired using a loop, both ends being connected into the fire alarm control panel. Input and output fire detection and alarm devices such as smoke detectors, manual call points and electronic sounders can be wired onto the same circuit, which reduces the cost of installation compared to a conventional fire alarm system.
Two Wire Fire Alarm Systems
Two wire fire alarm systems are similar to conventional fire alarm systems in that the fire alarm system is wired in zones in order to identify the fire location. However, two wire fire alarm systems have the advantage that both fire alarm input and output devices can be wired onto the same circuits. This means that two wire fire alarm systems are often cheaper to install than alternative conventional fire alarm systems.
Wireless Fire Alarm Systems
Wireless fire alarm systems have the significant advantage in that, other than the mains supplies to the fire alarm control panel, they do not require any electrical cables to be installed. This makes wireless fire alarm systems the preferred choice if installation is required very quickly or if it is important that the building infrastructure is not disturbed, such as in historic buildings.
Test Equipment
Fire Trade Supplies are distributors of Detectortesters fire alarm system test equipment including the Solo and Testifire ranges of smoke detector and heat detector test equipment. The Testifire range also allows the testing of multi sensors including combined smoke, heat and CO detectors.